M&G 晨光

上海晨光文具股份有限公司是一家整合创意价值与服务优势,专注于文具产业的综合文具公司。晨光文具致力于提供高性价比的文具用品,产品涵盖书写工具、学生文具、办公文具及其他相关产品四大领域。晨光文具是国内文具第一品牌。截至2013年12月31日,公司已拥有“4 大类,45个品项,1,900 余品种” 的文具产品系列,文具产品线的广度和深度均位居国内前列。

品牌标志及释义: 晨光是早晨的阳光,旭日初升,它代表着希望、活力和勇气。 M&G是晨光文具的英文商标,红色“M”是中国红,代表晨光源于中国,不断从中国优秀文化中吸收养分;黑色“G”是国际黑,代表晨光将立足世界舞台,向世界传播中国文化! 英文名称:Shanghai M&G Stationery Co., Ltd 

客户:M&G 晨光文具

项目内容:VI设计 / 视觉管理咨询 / 产品包装设计






As a national brand loved by Chinese consumers, M&G is creating a road of innovation for Chinese stationery, completing the magnificent transformation from Made in China to Created in China. In this critical period, the chaos of tens of thousands of stores nationwide, the confusion of tens of thousands of existing packaging SKUs and promotion system has caused great disturbance to the brand, and the integration of brand vision is particularly important.




基于“打造世界级M&G”的愿景,“让学习和工作 更快乐,更高效”的使命,我们针对M&G内部8个事业部进行了多轮访谈,经过半年时间,把M&G的愿景和使命融入到产品包装和推广物料中,采取了一致性的视觉语言统一品牌认知,讲述一个有意义且具有一致性的故事。


We conducted multiple rounds of interviews with eight internal divisions of M&G based on the vision of "building a world-class M&G" and the mission of "making learning and working happier and more productive." After six months, we integrated the vision and mission of M&G into product packaging and promotional materials, adopting a consistent visual language to unify brand perception and tell a meaningful and consistent story.



要打造世界级M&G,本身M&G的logo 在包装中显的尤其重要。从长期的视觉资产来看logo是M&G的优势,它需要被强化识别,需要放在最显眼的位置。在创意概念上也需要找寻一个和所有人产生共情的方式,我们选取了太阳升起的一条地平线和微笑的一个弧度作为整体包装体系和推广体系的语言作为核心创意和logo一起呈现,它体现了晨光中文的含义:Morning Glory,也体现了使命中关于快乐的描述。

我们期待用一种更简单的方式来串联他们所有的视觉接触点,以一种更整体和更简单直接的方式体现他们的宏伟愿景。 在几万个SKU中建立规则是一个复杂工程,晨光的产品从5CM的橡皮擦到1米的科技产品包装,从办公文具、儿童文具、医疗用品、教学道具、科技产品,在尺寸和品类上都具有较大跨越,为了呈现的一致性,我们测算了一种计算公式,可以简单的4个步骤即可得到一致性的产出,方便内部管理和输出。


From a long-term visual asset standpoint, M&G's strength is its logo, which should be prominently displayed for global consumers to quickly recognize. We needed to find a way to sympathize with everyone in terms of the creative concept. The language of the overall packaging system and promotion system, which embodies the meaning of Morning Glory in Chinese: Morning Glory, and the description of happiness in the mission, was chosen as the core idea to present along with the logo, which embodies the meaning of Morning Glory in Chinese: Morning Glory, and the description of happiness in the mission.

We hoped for a more straightforward and comprehensive way to connect all of their visual touch points in a way that reflected their grand vision. Developing rules for tens of thousands of SKUs is a difficult task. M&G's products come in a variety of sizes and categories, ranging from 5CM erasers to 1m packages of technology products, and include everything from office stationery to children's stationery, medical supplies, teaching props, and technology. For easy internal administration and output, we measured a calculating method to get consistent output in four simple steps for consistency in presentation. Results






The packaging-based brand visual upgrade addresses M&G's primary issues, enables channel operators to quickly identify brand elements, and coordinates the actions of the company's eight internal business divisions, resulting in more efficient internal management. Morning Glory has taken a significant step toward becoming a global brand, thanks to a series of promotions and activities.





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